Sustainable approach

Field strawberries are becoming increasingly rare in the Netherlands. That's because the process is so labour-intensive. We at HG Eerenburg love the tradition and the craftsmanship, so we consciously invest in the cultivation of field strawberries. We really need the ground to be able to grow the most delicious strawberries, so naturally, we take great care to keep the soil biota in good condition.

We have a certificate from GlobalG.A.P. for sustainable cultivation.

Sustainable soil biota

We apply precision agriculture to combat wastage. Our machines are GPS-driven so as to avoid putting undue strain on the soil. We till the ground only where the strawberries are to be planted.

After the harvest, we mow the plants, clear the field and plant a green manure crop, such as marigolds. These annuals keep the ground full and firm. This means we need fewer biopesticides when we plant out the first strawberry plants in March again. By keeping the soil planted all year round, it can absorb rain better and beneficial nutrients are not lost. That makes our plants nice and resilient. And you can taste that!

Treating staff in a sustainable way

We start picking the strawberries in June, and that takes many hands. We work with employees from countries such as Poland, Romania and Bulgaria.

Many families have helped us with the harvest for years. The pickers have an employment contract with us. We arrange their accommodation during the picking season ourselves. We have a GRASP certificate for our sustainable way of treating our staff.

Get a taste of the atmosphere

We have a great company, and we like to show people around it. Get a taste of the atmosphere at our company and a good idea of the work involved.